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Effective Exercises to Relieve Tennis Elbow and Get Back on the Court

Exercises for Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. It is caused by overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle, which is a bony bump on the outer part of the elbow. Tennis elbow can be a debilitating condition that can greatly affect one’s ability to perform daily activities and participate in sports. However, there are exercises that can help alleviate the pain and strengthen the affected muscles.

  1. Wrist Extension Stretch

To perform this exercise, hold your affected arm out straight in front of you with your palm facing down. Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers back towards your wrist until you feel a stretch in your forearm. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.

  1. Reverse Wrist Curl

To perform this exercise, hold a light weight in your affected hand and sit with your forearm resting on a table or bench with your palm facing down. Slowly lift the weight towards your wrist, keeping your forearm still. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower the weight back down. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions and 2-3 sets.

  1. Eccentric Wrist Extension

To perform this exercise, hold a light weight in your affected hand and sit with your forearm resting on a table or bench with your palm facing up. Slowly lower the weight towards the ground, using your unaffected hand to help lift it back up. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions and 2-3 sets.

  1. Forearm Pronation and Supination

To perform this exercise, hold a light weight in your affected hand and sit with your forearm resting on a table or bench with your palm facing down. Slowly rotate your forearm so that your palm faces up, and then slowly rotate back to the starting position. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions and 2-3 sets.

  1. Tennis Ball Squeeze

To perform this exercise, hold a tennis ball in your affected hand and squeeze it as hard as you can for 5-10 seconds. Release and repeat for 10-15 repetitions and 2-3 sets.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program for tennis elbow. These exercises should be performed in a pain-free range of motion and gradually progressed as tolerated. In addition to these exercises, rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication may also be helpful in managing tennis elbow. With proper treatment and exercises, most people with tennis elbow can recover and return to their normal activities.

The Fitness Well provides a range of core strength, stretching and injury prevention programs for all ages and abilities